If you don’t want to install Drush and don’t want to use FTP (I like a secure server)
Install Drupal modules via SSH on Ubuntu Server (12.04 LTS)
Assumptions: You have/are…
- Unix command line proficient
- Rsync capable
- Apache2/Ubuntu directories (other flavors of Linux may vary)
Unzip file to an empty directory
sudo rsync -azv /home/user/drupalmodule/ -e ssh user@slice.remoteserver.com:/home/user
sudo cp -Rf google_analytics /var/www/www.example.com/sites/all/modules
99% of the time if you followed all these steps and you don’t see the module in the modules section, its a permission problem. Set or Change Permission for Drupal modules
find /var/www/www.example.com/sites/all/modules -type d -exec chmod 755 {}
find /var/www/www.example.com/sites/all/modules -type f -exec chmod 644 {}