Install Rsync
Rsync Installation Instuctions
sudo apt-get install rsync
sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.conf
copy into rsyncd.conf
motd file = /etc/rsyncd.motd
path = /home/username comment = This is the path to folder on the server uid = nobody gid = nobody read only = false auth users = username secrets file = /etc/rsyncd.scrt
change username/servername
sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.motd
any message you want
sudo vi /etc/rsyncd.scrt
sudo vi /etc/default/rsync
sudo /etc/init.d/rsync restart
Rsync Command Example | Explanation
sudo rsync -azv /usr/backup_slice1/ /media/backup_slice1
This tells rsync to not actually do anything. It will just write a log of what it would do to the screen. Once you’ve made sure everything will work as you expect, you have to remove this option, and run the command again to perform the actual backup.
deletes files that don’t exist on the system being backed up.(Optional)
preserves the date and times, and permissions of the files (same as -rlptgoD)
With this option rsync will do all the following:
Descend recursively into all directories (-r)
copy symlinks as symlinks (-l)
preserve file permissions (-p)
preserve modification times (-t)
preserve groups (-g)
preserve file ownership (-o)
preserve devices as devices (-D)-z
compresses the data
increases the verbosity of the reporting process
specifies remote shell to use
Rsync Command Examples
sudo rsync -azv --delete-excluded --force /home/username/servername/ -e ssh
copy to server
sudo rsync -azv --delete-excluded --force -e ssh /home/username/servername
copy from server
Rsync Command Example Using Non-Standard SSH Port
assuming your remote server ssh port has been changed
sudo rsync -azv /home/username/servername/ -e "ssh -p xxxx"
Rsync Command Example No Password / authorized_keys
sudo rsync -azv -e “ssh -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa” /home/username/server_backup_on_local_desktop