Category: Linux

Install PHP for WordPress

There is not much to installing PHP except when you need more power. Sometimes WordPress needs more. sudo apt-get install php5 php-pear php5-mysql php5-cli php5-gd php5-curl curl sudo vi /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini max_execution_time = 300 max_input_time = 60 memory_limit = 256M post_max_size = 64M upload_max_filesize = 64M

Setup a LAMP Server on Debian or Ubuntu

This setup is for Virtual Host server – not a dedicated server with a single domain SSH to your server ssh root@IP Update Debian/Ubuntu apt-get update && apt-get upgrade –show-upgraded -y Create User How To Create a User in Linux Setup SSH for Remote Access With GPG Keys – No Password How To Setup SSH for Remote Access IMPORANT –...

Install Apache on Debian and Ubuntu

Install Apache sudo apt-get install apache2 sudo vi /etc/apache2/sites-available/default change AllowOverride None > AllowOverride All in line 11 Enable Apache rewrite and restart Achtung! Don’t forget or things will not work and you’ll waste hours trying to find out why sudo a2enmod rewrite Restart Apache sudo service apache2 restart If no error, its working Optional: The following “example” is used...

Solve Sourcelist Problems with Resolv.conf OpenDNS

Add OpenDNS Nameservers to resolv.conf This has solved problems seemingly unique to some service provides sudo vi /etc/resolv.conf Replace existing IPv4 addresses with openDNS nameservers or just add them above the existing IPs in your resolv.conf Same for IPv6 addresses 2620:0:ccc::2 2620:0:ccd::2 also add to end – as last line options rotate Restart Networking sudo service networking restart...

Block All Traffic to Your New Remote Server

I block all traffic to a new server while I setup users and environment using Netfilter AKA iptables. Nothing else gets in or out of the box but me. This requires 2 scripts actually. One to close the machine to all other IPs but mine, and one to “unblock”. You need to unblock while installing other software, re. LAMP, when...

Setup SSH for Accessing Remote Server Without Password

On the Remote Server Logged in As User or as root but in users home sudo mkdir ~/.ssh sudo chmod 700 ~/.ssh && chmod 600 ~/.ssh/* On you local (desktop) assuming you have already created your GPG Keys cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh 'cat – >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'

Top Network Monitor Tools

Install iftop sudo apt-get install iftop sudo iftop -n Install iptraf sudo apt-get install iptraf sudo iptraf Install Netdiag sudo apt-get install netdiag sudo netwatch -e eth0 -nt Install Nload sudo apt-get install nload Nload Install NetHogs sudo yum install nethogs -y sudo nethogs Install Bmon sudo apt-get install bmon bmon Install TCPTrack sudo apt-get install tcptrack

Disable Bluetooth Debian

sudo vi /etc/bluetooth/main.conf change to: InitiallyPowered = false But that is not enough sudo apt-get install rfkill sudo vi /etc/rc.local add line: rfkill block bluetooth That should do it. If not sudo vi /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf add lines: blacklist bluetooth blacklist btusb if not sudo vi /etc/init/bluetooth.override add line: manual

Start Reverse Tunnel on boot using autossh for Debian 7

As usual, most of the how-to guides out there are too brief (I’m guilty) or apply to other distros: This works on Linux Debian 7 all-around, and this is a complete how to. It works. You just have to follow a very long thread. No A.D.D. here! We will create a Persistent Reverse SSH Tunnel between 2 machines using autossh....

Cubox-i2 Config Setup

Download Gunnar Wolf’s Debian Wheezy Also working: Ubuntu sudo dd if=ubuntu-oneiric-freescale.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 Android 4.3 sudo dd if=beta-11-dec-2013-i2.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 Not working: Debian Jesse sudo dd if=debian-jessi-4-july-2014.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 Copy to SDmicro sudo dd if=cubox.img of=/dev/mmcblk0 password for root is cubox-i #vi /etc/apt/sources.list #deb cubox main #deb-src cubox main vi /etc/network/interfaces auto lo iface lo inet loopback allow-hotplug eth0 iface...

Change Default Editor at System Level

In a terminal type sudo apt-get install vim sudo update-alternatives –config editor Follow the instructions to choose vim.basic – your display will vary Debian Ubuntu Change Default Editor Nano VI Gedit at System Level sudo vi /etc/vim/vimrc uncomment line 20 – syntax on logout & login

After Installing Debian 7 Desktop

Checklist of things to do after installing Debian Gnome The first problem you have with a brand new linux (Debian/Ubuntu) install is the user is not setup in sudoers. So first thing: login as root su sudo adduser username sudo sudo vi /etc/sudoers give permissions to your new user – below root username ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL alternately – unsecure username ALL=(ALL)...

Handy Linux Directory Rules

Linux Directory Rules rsync -vaz ~/qwerty ~/mydir CREATES a /qwerty directory under the ~/mydir directory COPIES the DIRECTORY and CONTENTS of the ~/qwerty directory into this newly created directory Without a trailing slash / it means “COPY THE DIRECTORY” rsync -vaz ~/qwerty/ ~/mydir Does NOT CREATE /qwerty directory COPIES the CONTENTS of the ~/qwerty directory to the mydir directory A...

Linux Debian How To Backup System and Data

Command of the Day :: You want to backup a remote machine (server) from a local (desktop) onto the local; type on local/desktop: sudo rsync -azv -e "ssh -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa" /home/username/server_backup_on_local_desktop (this is the server login and directory being backed up) -i /home/username/.ssh/id_rsa (if you do not want to use password authentication – key is on local/desktop) ——————–...