Here is a very nice How To tutorial on SSH Keys Otherwise the cliffnotes:
Generate an SSH Key pair and upload public key to remote host
ssh-keygen -t rsa
Use ALL defaults, or…
ssh-keygen -f anyname-you-want-for-your-key -N '' -t rsa -q
-N ” = no password which is the point of this excersize
Check that you have generated the key in ~/.ssh
You may need to create the directory .ssh first
cat .ssh/ | ssh -v -p 22 'cat >> .ssh/authorized_keys'
NOTE: DO NOT SUDO or key will be copied into the root .ssh directory
To specify a port other than -p 22 = port 22
ssh -v -p 22
If you get an error, its probably because there are other keys / known_hosts conflicting. Fix problem by removing key listed in the verbose output
(some housecleaning might be necessary)
cd .ssh
sudo rm id_*
sudo rm known_hosts
(or use vi to delete by line)
Once logged in to remotehost, repeat housecleaning